While migrating to the new server I took the opportunity to make some changes to the signup system here on Blinkenshell. The biggest change is in terms of time and code rewritten is probably the move from cPickle datastore backend to a MySQL one. You might not notice very much of this change at first, but there are some subtle improvements. You don’t have to wait until someone logs out from the signup program to vouch for them for example.
The next big thing is that users are automatically added to the system when they reach step 6. No more waiting for Independence to come online (unless you send Paypal donations, they still have to be registered manually). Because of this it’s even more important that the vouch step is done right, and therefore I’ve added a feature that has been suggested a couple of times before: “negative vouches”. This is only available from the signup program at the moment (not via Blinkenbot). After you choose someone to vouch for, you can make the vouch positive (+1 p) or negative (-2 p). A user has to reach +2 p to get to the next step.
I’ve also updated most of the questions on the quiz to make them more relevant and up to date. If you want you can retake the quiz in the signup program to see if you still got it 😉
I tried to sign up with login:sign up and passwd: signup23 . Why wont it work?
The username should be signup as one word